標題: 12歲女童患多重人格 兇殘刺死繼母

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發表於 2015-11-24 20:06
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該女童來自印第安納州埃爾克哈特市(Elkhart, Indiana)。

她看了「Creepypasta」網站的恐怖故事,聲稱故事中,一個名叫「詭笑傑克」(Laughing Jack)的丑角,唆使她在自己房內縱火,並用刀刺向繼母Maria Torres多刀致死。




此事件發生前一年,威斯康辛州也曾有兩名少女,被控以殘忍手法刺死同學。她們亦聲稱,是受到該恐怖故事網站上,一個名叫「瘦人」(Slender Man)的虛構人物指使。


Sixteen psychiatric institutions have refused to take in a 12-year-old girl diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder after the preteen stabbed her stepmother to death in July. The girl claims she was told to do it by a fictional clown character featured on a horror story website.

The Elkhart, Indiana girl claims that Laughing Jack, a horrifying clown character who appears in stories posted on the website Creepypasta told her to set her room on fire and stab her stepmother, Maria Torres, repeatedly to death.

The girl’s father tried to restrain her, but she turned on him and stabbed him as well.

The girl, who claims she hears voices and has an alter ego, had reportedly asked her father for help months before the stabbing. She has also reportedly been begging for help from staff at the Juvenile Detention Center where she is being held.

The stabbing comes just a year after two Wisconsin girls were charged for brutally stabbing a classmate to death in order to please Slender Man, another fictional horror character that appears on Creepypasta.


Girl claims creepy clown 'Laughing Jack' made her kill her stepmotherThe girl claims that Laughing Jack, a fictional clown that appears in horror stories on the website Creepypasta, told her to set her house on fire before stabbing her stepmom to death in July.

2015/11/20 1,319

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ELKHART, INDIANA — A 12-year-old girl from Elkhart, Indiana is claiming that Laughing Jack, a clown character on the horror story site Creepypasta, told her stab her stepmother to death in July, according to the New York Daily News.

The unnamed girl alleges that the creepy clown told her to set her room on fire and then stab her stepmother, Maria Torres, repeatedly with a knife. The girl's father tried to restrain her, but she turned on him, stabbing him as well, according to The Elkhart Truth.

The girl, who claims she hears voices and has an alter ego, reportedly asked her father for help months before the stabbing.

WSBT reports that the girl has been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder, but has been refused admission by 16 psychiatric institutions. According to her lawyer, Holly Curtis, the girl has been begging for help from staff at the Juvenile Detention Center where she is being held.

The incident comes just a year after two Wisconsin girls brutally stabbed a friend to please Slender Man, another fictional horror character on the Creepypasta website.H/T: New York Daily News


Police and firefighters responded to a fire just after 10 p.m. on July 23 at 935 Prairie Street, and found two victims with stab wounds. WSBT


Laughing Jack is a character from a horror story, one of many posted on website Creepypasta. WIKIMEDIA COMMONS / ROBINSONBECKY


In the Creepypasta story, Laughing Jack befriends young children as an imaginary friend before cutting them open and replacing their organs with candy. YOUTUBE / MRCREEPYPASTA


Two 12-year-old Wisconsin girls were charged as adults after stabbing a friend 19 times in 2014, all to show their dedication to Slenderman, a fictional horror figure. WAUKESHA POLICE